Blackand white shopping bag. Fashionable shopping bag with large capacity is a real must have in the collection of every lover of the latest trends. Bags are an accessory that perfectly turns up any styling and blend well with urban looks. They fit into many different garments and are, by the way, a very functional accessory that helps us in life. The shopping bag offered will be ideal for situations where you will run daily errands. It is very roomy, so it will fit in its interior not only food products, but also textiles, books or documents. The presented model has in addition a mega stylish design that combines a modern shape with a classic design. The shopping bag is decorated with a fashionable striped pattern and a very contemporary logo and inscriptions. Its classic color scheme will perfectly match most of your clothes, so it will match virtually any outfit. The presented shopping bag has also been very carefully sewn and strengthened in several strategic places. Its wide material handles are extremely strong and durable, as well as properly attached to the bag, which is why they carry a really large weight. The large bag also has a snap closure, which helps you to better control the things hidden in it. The model is made of artificial plastic, so such a shopping bag is reusable and does not clutter the natural environment. A fashionable shopping bag is an accessory that will always come in handy in any home, so do not delay and scoop it up right now!
accessories: latch fastener, handles
holdsA4 format: yes
dimensions: width – 47 cm, height – 36 cm, height of handles – 25 cm