In the upcoming season, the joy of experimentation is clearly breaking through in fashion trends, which returns after a year of safe, proven solutions. So what will be the perfect proposal for this fall? What our offer new autumn collection online wholesale? See for yourself and prepare your store for the new season with us!
Autumn collection from – check out the new trends!
This year autumn collection online wholesale przywraca radość z zabawy modą. Wśród najświeższych propozycji wyraźnie przebijają się przede wszystkim streetwearowe zestawy, te z romantycznym akcentem, w wydaniu klasycznej elegancji i cofające się do mody lat poprzednich. Na prowadzenie wychodzą więc efektowne total looki z dzianiny i denimu, sportowe komplety noszone na modłę biznesowego dresscode’u czy wreszcie odważnie wycięte sukienki i swetry, które będziemy mieszać w różnych stylach. Bez wątpienia w tym sezonie obronią się także wszelkie modowe eksperymenty. Szerokie spodnie z nogawką zamiast pięknie skrojonych cygaretek? A może skórzane shackets w miejsce eleganckiej marynarki? Wszystkie chwyty dozwolone.
Mimo że w nowym sezonie modna paleta barw nieco przygasa i mocno wpasowuje się w jesienne tło, nie znikają z niej jednak szalenie trendy odcienie fluo i nasycone cytrusowe kolory. Podobnie rzecz ma się z wzorami i ozdobnymi aplikacjami. Śladem włoskich maksymalistek stawiamy na zasadę – im więcej, tym lepiej. Nie boimy się zatem sięgać nie tylko po klasyczną kratę czy grochy rodem z szafy parisian chic. Autumn Collection at Wawa Online Wholesale it also carries scarf patterns, vintage motifs referring to old shows from the 90s, as well as abstract smears in the spirit of boho.
Must haves for the new season – autumn collection online wholesale
What will you find in our latest collection? Check out our bestseller list:
- Tracksuits 2.0.
That is, a fantasy about home wear worn for many different occasions — for work, for a casual day on the town or meeting with friends. Without fail, those with long joggers, in a monochrome edition and complete with a long vest, will defend themselves. An interesting proposal for a suit and classic coats.
- Flannel shirts
Along with the fashion for voluminous shirt jackets, autumn collection in Warsaw online wholesale also brings to life the craze for thick, warm plaid flannels. We especially recommend those with strongly flared sleeves, overlapping the thigh and in a maximalist print, visible from afar. Simple, body-fitting models with an additional fur instep will also work brilliantly.
- Suits
Designers in the upcoming season draw the main inspiration from men’s tailoring. Therefore, the fashion trends for autumn this year are full of elegant, well-tailored sets with jackets. Which of them will make a special furore? Those with an exaggerated shoulder line, with horn buttons and with a masculine, strict design that will look great in hygge combinations.
- 2000s
The “kitschy” Y2K is back. Hip pants, bandages, tight-fitting tops, sweater vests and cute skirts are not the only things we have for you autumn collection at online wholesale It is also a lot of sequins, metallic threads and multi-colored outfits that seemingly do not combine with each other. Will you be tempted?
Accessories for autumn that you will find in our wholesale
Exaggerated, expressive and for all occasions. What extras does it hide Trendy Autumn Collection Online Wholesale? Check it out:
- Shoes
Autumn Collection Online Wholesale For the upcoming season, it brings back last year’s trends. So there will be not only female officers with heels or so-called sock shoes. They are also joined by leather slouchy boots, tractor-soled ankle boots and the famous heavy al’a martensa platform half-boots. For warmer days, we also recommend workeries and comfortable sports sneakers on thick soles, an ideal duet with colorful, long socks.
- Bags
In autumn, accessories for women’s looks are supposed to be functional and redrawn. Therefore, the dominant trend will be XXL size shopper. The most fashionable are those with a timeless, minimalist cut and reminiscent of a laptop case. You can choose from two options – rigid as briefcases, rectangles with a metallic zipper and soft, cracked bags that can be rolled up under the arm. Which ones do you choose?
- accessories
Today, among the accessories, grandmother’s hoods come to the fore. In addition to those made of satin scarves, models sewn from enveloping wool, resembling patterned caps and balaclavas, also came first. Also, do not forget about the long, “opera” gloves, which will go perfectly in a duet with fur coats and thick tights, which return together with the aesthetics of the 60s.
Autumn Collection Online Wholesale
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